Thursday 30 July 2009

The Next 25 Thank you's (a week late)

1. Umbrella's Can we have any more rain this summer?

2. The schools have broken up and there is much less traffic on the road at 8 am

3. That there is always some good news

4. Choice

5. Moses. I was reading his story in the car this morning. What a reluctant hero! God was so
patient with him. I trust he is as patient with me.

6. Fun and good food at the Toddler Team celebration last night.

7. The good ladies of our Home League, who have been so understanding and open to the idea
of expanding into a Cameo Club.

8. Growing up in a family that communicated with one another naturally.

9. The healing of people I know who have been ill

10. Colour

11. Andrew Murray. No, not the tennis player. The other one. Still don't know? He was a Christian writer, who wrote hundreds of devotional books and pamphlets. He's old fashioned but so often hits the nail on the head.

12. Preaching on "Do not commit adultery" on Sunday and getting out of the hall alive!

13. Some progress on the refurbishment of our quarters.

14. Enthusiastic people.

15. Nice surprises

16. The promise that God will provide

17. Ducks

18. Tweezers (Ladies who are my age will know why they are essential!!)

19 Being able to play the piano enough to find it a vehicle through which I can worship.

20. That no one in our congregation plays the violin or the bagpipes!

21. Our SA hall, which is so adaptable.

22. God co-incidences.

23. Mess (well I acutally hate mess, but I'm trying to be positive in the midst of chaos)

24. Change.

25. Another day.

That's it. More when I have time.

God bless


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