Wednesday 13 January 2010

January Pray for a Day and Committment Sunday

Pill Corps Pray for a Day went ahead despite the terrible weather. The Prayer Room was used all day but some people who were not able to attend faithfully prayed at home or during meal breaks at work. The Prayer Room focussed on different covenants in the Bible.

God's Covenant with Noah

God's Covenant with Abraham and Moses

The New Covenant
Prayer requests poured in as usual and each one was brought before the Lord.
We hold a Pray for a Day event every two months and each time it has been strange that despite the requests coming in from all over the UK each time there seems to be a recurring theme. A few months back the majority of our requests were about the work of social services, another time it seemed to be Corps concerns. This time a great proportion of people were asking us to pray for people with cancer.

The Committment Sunday meeting was a blessed time, although our numbers were depleted because of the snow. Nevertheless there was a lovely spirit in the meeting and many of those who gathered signed their committment cards at the mercy seat.
It's a good way to start the year.
God bless

1 comment:

Andrew Bale said...

We delayed our commitment Sunday due to the weather and we are having it this week. Your folk are blessed to have Officers who took such a lot of time ove the prayer room it looks great :-)

Grace and peace, A