Wednesday 14 May 2008

Aggressive Christianity Revisted

If you are ever feeling just the tiniest bit complacent, or losing sight of what your service as a Christian is all about then I recommend a dip into Catherine Booth's Aggressive Christianity. It might have been written a long time ago but her arguments still stand and still stir the soul.

How about this on the qualifications for service in the Church?

"This is the way the Lord is going to gather out his great and glorious kingdom in these latter days by the power of testimony in the Holy Ghost. He only wants witnesses to be able to go and say, "We speak that we do know" that is the qualification."

I have heard of highly qualified Salvation Army officers admit that they have never actually won a soul for Christ. How tragic is that? I have a friend who missed so much school through truancy and being in young offenders institutions that he can just about read and write. Filled with the Spirit he snatches sinners from the brink of hell every day.

We do not need to get rid of education, that is not the issue. We need to find the the power of testimony in the Holy Ghost.

God bless


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