Tuesday 10 February 2009

Expectations and Listening

We have just got back from Corps Council and my head is buzzing with what seems like hundreds of date and details. I do believe that we have an exciting year ahead and that we have a good balance of events that support mission, discipleship and prayer.

Coming up quite soon is our Holiness week-end led by Major Samuel Edgar. (7th/8th March if you are near enoughto come.) We recently emailed the Major with our aims for the event. We said that "The idea of the week-end is to re-enforce our holiness tradition, be challenged and inspired by holiness preaching and above all to encourage all who come to embrace the experience and practice holiness."

So not much really!!

I know that we are expecting a lot. We long for people to come not just to hear good teaching and be blessed but that their lives might be impacted forever by putting into practice what they hear. That's Ok isn't it? Our God is big enough!

The other thing is that I am aware of at the moment is the danger of just hearing the word of God but not listening on the level that I need to in order to really tune in to what he is saying to me and to the Corps.

I was conscious the other day of sitting before the computer about to prepare for something and my immediate thought was, " I have nothing to say."
Now those people that know me, know that that is rubbish. I always have something to say and I can come up with some kind of message because I have been an officer for a long time. I can churn it out. But I can't settle for that. What I really meant was that I had nothing fresh, nothing that I felt was being prompted by the Spirit. That scared me. I went on immediate red alert and made time to be still and wait. God spoke.

God bless


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