Thursday 11 November 2010

Pray for a Day Pill Corps

Pray for a Day is a bi-monthly event held at Pill Corps where we have the hall and prayer room open from 9am -9pm. Our folks call drop in during those hours and simply pray.

The next Pray for a Day is:


Usually we recieve more than 100 requests for prayer from all over the UK Salvation Army. Our usual means of communicating our day is no longer available to us so we are using every other means possible to let the people know that we are willing to pray for them.

So if you are reading this blog and would like prayer, get in touch, either through a comment, me on facebook or contact via email.

Every request is prayed for on the day, followed up in Sunday worship where everyonde attending is given a prayer request to pray for in the meeting and later at home.

We have had great feedback and our folk love doing this. As a small village community we feel in the worlds of Wesley Duewel that we are "touching the world through prayer."

God bless


1 comment:

Colin Machan said...

Thank you for Pill Corps' prayer ministry!

I note that your usual lines of communication are no longer available. May I suggest a Yahoo Group entitled Salvation Army 3? There are SA members there who will be very pleased to hear about your ministry.

Further details can be found at